Manufacturing Entertainment

July 7 – 26 — Manufacturing Entertainment is the artist and curatorial duo, Julie Gendron (she/her) and Emma Hendrix (they/them). They work with various analogue and digital audio, video, electronics, and photography for performance and installation.
— Open Studio, July 17, 6-8pm @ Macaulay House — Artist Talk, July 24, 6:30-8pm @ Macaulay House

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Kaleena Stasiak

June 5 – June 27 — Kaleena Stasiak is an interdisciplinary artist who uses an assortment of haptic media to explore collective mythmaking, and its relevance to the present day. With her time at KIAC, she plans to produce pinwheels and other kinetic lawn ornaments incorporating assemblages of found objects and punched tin.
— Arts Fest Gallery Hop, June 13, 7-10pm @ Macaulay House

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Liz Toohey-Wiese

June 3 – June 30 — Liz Toohey-Wiese is an artist from Vancouver BC who will be continuing her artistic research into wildfires while at the KIAC residency. She would like to meet Dawson City locals involved with forestry and wildfire fighting in the Yukon, so please don’t hesitate to make contact with her this month!
— Arts Fest Gallery Hop, June 13, 7-10pm @ Macaulay House

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River Doucette

May 3 – May 31 — Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre Residency — River Doucette is a painter, fire performer, and musician. During her residency she will be working on a series of visual art pieces combining the experiences of her time living in Dawson City the past 4 and half
years. — Artist Talk May 28, 5:30pm @ DZCC

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Patrick Lundeen

May 3 – May 31 — Patrick Lundeen’s artistic practice includes explorations of painting, drawing, sculpture, sound, video, food, performance, and public art. While in Dawson, Patrick plans to undertake experimental musical and material explorations that amalgamate the sights, sounds, materials and culture that exist within the Dawson City limits. — Workshop May 25 1-3pm @ KIAC, Open Studio May 29 6pm @ Macaulay House

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Libbie Farrell

April 4 – May 1 — Libbie Farrell (She/They) is an interdisciplinary artist and maker working across textiles, media, and printmaking. While at KIAC, Libbie will be working on a handful of pieces for an ongoing series called “Super Epic Mega Journey Bitch.” The series is composed of a collection of sewn tapestries/quilts featuring campy colourful and strange lady-like creatures. ARTIST TALK – April 24, 6pm @ KIAC

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