Accessible Ticket Pricing

Experience our concerts, events, and programs at an affordable rate. The Accessible Rate is specially designed for students, youth under 19, and individuals seeking a more budget-friendly option.

At KIAC, we’re committed to ensuring that our community enjoys our events and programs without barriers. If the standard ticket price is a challenge, you have several options:

  • Embrace the opportunity to volunteer and receive complimentary entry to performing arts events. Click here to sign up.
  • Opt for the reduced accessible rate when purchasing your ticket or program registration (online or in person) .
  • Reach out to us at 993-5005 or to discuss further alternatives.

If you’re inspired to champion KIAC’s mission of inclusivity, you can contribute by donating here and selecting “Performing Arts” or “Education.” Donations exceeding $25 will receive a charitable tax receipt, allowing you to be a part of our accessible pricing initiative.