Patrick Lundeen

May 3 – May 31

Patrick Lundeen was born in Lethbridge, Alberta (Siksikaitsitapi [Blackfoot Confederacy]
territory). He is currently based in Kelowna, BC (unceded Okanagan Syilx territory) where he
teaches drawing, painting, and sculpture at UBC Okanagan. His interdisciplinary artistic practice
includes explorations of painting, drawing, sculpture, sound, video, food, performance, and
public art. Lundeen’s visual strategies employ humour, sensory experience, and a rough and
visceral aesthetic as a means to unpack social and political contexts. In addition to visual art,
Patrick is also a dubiously talented musician with 5 self-released collections of music on record
and cassette.

Armed with only his modular synthesizer, a borrowed banjo and his trusty Swiss Army knife,
Lundeen plans to undertake experimental musical and material explorations that amalgamate
the sights, sounds, materials and culture that exist within the Dawson City limits. What will this
look/sound like? God only knows! But you are hereby challenged to exercise your right to come
by and check it out.