Shara Layne Kearney

Aug 3 – 30

Fireweed Layne Gallery @ DZCC Aug 30 4-7pm

Kwe’, I am a Mi’k maq woman who was born and raised in the Yukon. I have lived in Dawson for two years. I have a Certificate in Heritage and Culture, Diploma in Northern First Nations Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance. I use my art and knowledge to reconnect and relearn my culture and heritage. I work currently at the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre as a Heritage programmer and event planner. I am forever grateful to be reconnecting, living, loving, and thriving here on Tr’ondek Hwech’in Traditional Territory.

I am an artist that likes to use my art to reconnect to the land and heritage. Nature is my core subject and tool to create and share the beauty of the land I live in. I use my art to help in my living in two worlds, western and indigenous. I am motivated and passionate about helping in the resurgence of my traditional practices and teachings, through many art forms.