Join GivingTuesday, the world’s largest generosity movement!
Help us reach our annual fundraising goals for 2022.

Why participate in Giving Tuesday?
1. Arts & Culture builds strong, empowered communities. Your contribution will help KIAC continue arts and leisure programs, festivals & events, the contemporary art gallery, facility rentals, & more!
2. For every dollar you donate, we get $2. Every dollar you give will be matched by long-term supporters, Peter Menzies & John Bailey – up to $10,000!
3. You’ll have a chance to win a $5000 charity gift card from Canada Helps to further donate to organizations!
Three ways to donate:
1. Donate through Canada Helps. Choose one-time, monthly, and where you’d like those funds to go. You’ll automatically receive a tax receipt. (Use the simple form below!)
2. Drop in to KIAC to donate through cash or cheque.
3. Call us at 867 993 5005.
Everyone has something to give.
We understand that not everyone has the capacity to give money, especially with the increase in cost of living. If you can’t give cash, we are always looking for volunteers, instructors, and partners! What we do is driven by our members, and our community.
Fill out this form to join our volunteer list
Fill out this form to propose a program or project.
Help us spread the word! Share this link, or our social media campaigns with family, friends, and colleagues.
Donate via Canada Helps using this form