April 1-4, 2021, the 22nd edition of the Dawson City International Short Film Festival.

Festival Schedule:
Check our the full line up of films for the 2021 festival.
Tikcet sales will be online only. There may be limited tickets available at the door for non-sold out screenings.
Due to limited seats in our safe seating configuration, there will be no festival passes sold this year.
We will have full concessions (cash only) availble with service to your seats. Doors open 1 hour before screening time so that you may come early, savor some great food and then enjoy the films.
Masks will be required upon entry and exit but may be removed once you are seated.
All events take place at the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture/Dënäkär Zho,
2nd & Princess, unless otherwise noted.)
For all regular screenings ($10)
Click for the Youth Screening (Free but you must book a seat)
Saturday Youth Screening
Click for Drive In Tickets (Palace Grand) ($20 per car)
Drive In Tickets
The 2021 Trailer contest is on! More details here.
(2021 festival image by Meg Walker)